1st - Opinion on religious
I found a caricature on social media where there is a few muslims struggling for the religion of peace through improper way. I shared my opinion on Instagram and I recieved indirect tip to create this blog because it is too long. 😅
So this caricature is trying to deliver message where muslims struggle for Islam but through improper way. The words "OURS IS PEACEFUL RELIGION WE'LL KILL WHO THINK OTHERWISE" is a radical thing. And I believe this is why terrorism can exist in the world. The fundamentalism also should be discussed here. Most muslims never know that religion is only representative but what make you really a muslim is when you believe to Allah and Muhammad as the messenger. Therefore, the fundementalist thinks that Islam is the only righteous religion than the other religion. I repeat it again it is only representative where if you say I'm a muslim but you don't believe Allah and Muhammad. It hasn't made you as a muslim at all. Why are you supposed to use the term "religion of peace" if Islam is radicalised untill bring to terrorism? Fundamentalism is a concept where someone who only believe one belief and repel the other sources. As a muslim, it is Alquran and Assunnah and that what has been urged by Rasulullah S.A.W if you don't want to get lost in darker life. However, this two sources are misunderstood by muslims. I want to focus at how malay muslims treat muslim itself. There's one point I found malay muslims always digest everything from ustaz2, ceramah on YouTubr without cross-checking through many sources. Hence, it makes them to repel everything that doesn't come from their belief untill it brings to fighting(what's happening right now). The difference belief never become the problematic as long as you're still devoting the religion of Islam and practicing the sunnah everyday. It may be one position thinks the true belief is from theirs and otherwise is totally wrong. This what has brought to fundamentalism which will bring destruction at the end of the day. And true, the real struggle is based on intelectual and not based on emotion. Wallahualam. ❤ .
Sahih International: O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Chapter (49) sūrat l-ḥujurāt (The Dwellings) ❤
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