
My life

I was born in 1999. It was extremely stony that I had been going throughout my life. I was a Pahangite as I was born there. I was raised in Johor and I was also a Johorean. I had been living without a father since I was 5 years old. I understood how women feel when they are cheated by men as it happened to my madre. She has been going on her life without a man. She raises me and my siblings alone. She lives in rat-race life which is actually bad. But, she's done it for me and my siblings. She graduated her degree studies when I was form four. It must be the tremendously happy day for her to get a degree scroll after going through hardships in studies, while raising her children simultaneously. It is not easy. It happened when an irresponsible guy existed in the world. However, I believe that she never cares of the sadness eventhough if she needs to hide the feeling. I would like to express my thankful and grateful to be able to live in the world with a hero. She's my hero. I lo...


I was a bigot. As I opened my eyes. I could hear birds' chirping. I could see beautiful blue sky with a cluster of cloud paints the blue to make it breathtaking. All that are God's creatures. I started wondering how it moves around, Without anyone driving as like human drives a vehicle. It must be ruled by The Greatest in the enormous universe. All that are God's creatures. How undescribable the honesty, love and loyalty of these creatures towards their Creator is. No prejudice. As I engaged in society. I just realized I was a bigot. I devoted to religion but not sincerely to God. I devoted to religion but I do not understand how religion works in society. I had terrible views on religious. As I opened my eyes. I realized that world is not that harmony and beautiful, if I was a bigot who live on it. I was bad to not live in diversity. Diversity - tolerance and unity. I realized my faith is love, tolerance and respect towards all man kind and human beings. Whoev...

Policy isn't achieved without good implementation

Today, I think it is the suitable time to share about how the best leadership should be in Malaysia. It is supposed to be adapted in the education system to ensure the leader that is going to be developed holistically. Based on The Emotional Intelligence founded by Howard Gardner. A human is born in different ability and strength where these are hidden-ability that must be discovered in life. There is seven types of intelligence within a human life. It is the intelligence of kinetic, the intelligence of language, the intelligence of mathematic, the intelligence of science, the intelligence of environment and so on. Basically, these intelligence already exist within human's life that it has only to be discovered slowly. Therefore, it is important for the government to explain this briefly to all teachers in every school around Malaysia to ensure the development of student is holistically. Apparently, the goverment has ordered the school to apply the 21st century education through a ...

1st - Opinion on religious

I found a caricature on social media where there is a few muslims struggling for the religion of peace through improper way. I shared my opinion on Instagram and I recieved indirect tip to create this blog because it is too long. 😅 So this caricature is trying to deliver message where muslims struggle for Islam but through improper way. The words "OURS IS PEACEFUL RELIGION WE'LL KILL WHO THINK OTHERWISE" is a radical thing. And I believe this is why terrorism can exist in the world. The fundamentalism also should be discussed here. Most muslims never know that religion is only representative but what make you really a muslim is when you believe to Allah and Muhammad as the messenger. Therefore, the fundementalist thinks that Islam is the only righteous religion than the other religion. I repeat it again it is only representative where if you say I'm a muslim but you don't believe Allah and Muhammad. It hasn't made you as a muslim at all. Why are y...


I wrote this poem in my laptop. So, I just tried to make it sense by publishing it as a picture. I hope you like it.❤

Mesej seorang ibu di Amerika

For this one, I'm still confused whether this is a poem or a short essay. I hope you like it anyway. ❤ I'm an old woman. I live in a small tranquility village. I live without children. I live without life companion. My life is fullfilled with devoting to God, making some cookies and sewing a jumper. In the evening, I walk around the garden, I talk with beautiful flowers. I look into the blue sky, shape of V flying flamingo and sunset. . . O' God, I owe you a thousand appologies, I defy you. O' God, I miss my children, Please call them home. . . I have two daughters and one son. They are working at a busy and an ugly city. I met my children in 1950 for the last time. Today, I live without my children in 1979. Means it's almost 29 years. I count the days to meet death. I wish I could meet my children before I die. I could kiss and hug them wholeheartedly, so that I will leave this world peacefully. Your lovely mother, ❤


Third poem has no title. I hope you like it. ❤ . I hope it is arvo but it is still dawn. I can eat delicious nosh at anytime and anywhere. I hope it is beautiful life today. I can breath the fresh air, my lung can exchange carbondioxide and oxygen respectively. I hope it is a love. I can smile at everytime and anyone. I hope it is a hope. I can hope next day will become easier for me and brighter. I hope it is a loyalty. I can find how loving does not need loyalty but it is sincereful. I hope it is a cell wall. I can avoid all unneeded substance to across. I hope it is equality of gender. I can treat everybody fairly without prejudice. I hope it is a success. I can find the way to success. I hope all optimistic things. I can live my life happily. I hope I can understand a friend. I can chat, laugh and crazy with them. But, What I hope all this are bullshit and FUCK. Nobody care, Nobody know, I'm a secret person, Secret of having bad day and night, Far fr...